Back Framing

Not finished? Missing hold backs? Want to go onto the next project and just be done? SquirrelQuest provides services in completing those pesky tasks that are too complicated for the average worker. Missing Joists, framed wrong, complete disasters. We will service you like none other. We seek these problems to enhance our framing capabilities, so no task is too complex for us. We are the solution to your problems.

Back Framing Specialist

Missing Joists

Structural Framing Corrections

Hold Back Completions

Frame Reinforcement

Post-Construction Framing Fixes

And More!

When it comes to back framing challenges, SquirrelQuest stands out as your go-to solution provider. Our skilled craftsmen excel at tackling complex framing corrections and reinforcements that others might shy away from. We take pride in our ability to transform problematic structures into sound, code-compliant frameworks that stand the test of time. Whether it's addressing missing components or completely rebuilding compromised sections, we bring precision and expertise to every back framing project.